It am excited for this years costume season. I love Cosplay, and this year my husband and I will be doing Link and Fi from Zelda Skyward Sword. I am kind of freaking out a little about Fi's costume but I can do it right, I sure hope I can. If I succeded it making it as cool as I want it to be I will be putting it in the Craftsmanship contest at Anime Banzai. My husband's costume shouldn't be so bad, just have to make so many darn accessories for his. His sword I bought him as an anniversary present, so at least I don't have to worry about that. Still trying to figure out Fi's hair and face.
Well since I have been finding some fun tutorials I thought I would add those to my blog as well since Cosplay brings so much joy into my life. :) Not many understand my insanity but to the few who do, it is a passion and a art form and is hard to not get involved in. I will post progress pictures of my costumes and the super uber cool plushies I am making for the Art Show at Anime Banzai. Yeah for being a geek. :)